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Make it your own - how to personalize Confluence - Welcome Halp - Conversational Ticketing

Sep 30, 2020, 4:00 – 5:30 PM (UTC)

Temecula Valley

Make it your own - how to personalize Confluence for your users - Corporate wikis are an excellent tool to foster and organize team collaboration. But since no company equals another there is also no one fits all solution that covers everyone's needs. Getting bombarded by help requests from Slack or Microsoft Teams? Halp, a conversational ticketing solution, recently joined the Atlassian family


About this event

Make it your own - how to personalize Confluence for your users

Corporate wikis are an excellent tool to foster and organize team collaboration. But since no company equals another there is also no one fits all solution that covers everyone's needs. Thankfully Confluence is an intranet solution that allows a lot of personalization options!

Learn why an organized wiki is important for your teams and how you can achieve it by making use of the right metadata, as well as user profile data.

Welcome Halp - Conversional Ticketing solution

Getting bombarded by help requests from Slack or Microsoft Teams? Halp, a conversational ticketing solution, recently joined the Atlassian family. Halp is designed to help teams to assign, prioritize, manage, and report on requests all from Slack or MS Teams. Come see a demo of Halp, learn how your teams can use it standalone or with Jira Service Desk, and chat with Fletcher (Founder of Halp) about the future of the product. 


  • Juela Zeneli


    Product Owner

  • Fletcher Richman


    Founder and Sr Product Manager of Halp



Wednesday, September 30, 2020
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM (UTC)


4:00 PMWelcome and Virtual Introductions!
4:10 PMMake it your own - how to personalize Confluence for your users
4:40 AMWelcome Halp - Conversational Ticketing

Community Leader

  • Fabian Lopez


    Atlassian User Group Leader

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